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Spatial and Climatic Analysis of Chestnut Honey and Propolis Produced in Chestnut Forests and Their Potential Contribution to the Economy

Spatial and Climatic Analysis of Chestnut Honey and Propolis Produced in Chestnut Forests and Their Potential Contribution to the Economy

Tugba Bozlar1* and Nur Diktas Bulut2

1Department of Wood and Non-Wood Forest Product, Eastern Black Sea Forestry Research Institute, Trabzon, Turkey
2Department of Forest Enterprise and Economy, Eastern Black Sea Forestry Research Institute, Trabzon, Turkey
*      Corresponding author:
0030-9923/2024/0004-1789 $ 9.00/0


This study aimed to determine the effect of spatial and climatic factors on the productivity of chestnut honey and chestnut propolis produced in chestnut forests and to reveal the potential contribution of their production to the economy. The study area included the provinces of Artvin, Trabzon, Ordu and Samsun in the Eastern and Central Black Sea Region, and covered the beekeepers producing chestnut honey and chestnut propolis in chestnut forests. The primary data of the study were obtained from the yield measurements of chestnut honey and chestnut propolis obtained from the hives, whereas the secondary data were obtained from the surveys conducted with beekeepers. Analysis of variance, independent sample t-test and correlation analysis were used to analyze the statistical difference between the chestnut honey and chestnut propolis yields of the beehives in different provinces. It was determined that there was a negative relationship between the yield of chestnut honey and chestnut propolis, relative humidity and wind speed, and a positive relationship between yield and altitude, temperature and precipitation. The potential contribution of chestnut honey and propolis production was US $ 51.10 million to the Eastern and Central Black Sea Region economy.

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Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56, Iss. 5, pp. 2001-2500


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